Welcome to eNeFTee

An A.I. Curated Gallery

A couple art-loving geeks trained an A.I. to select its "favorite" NFT art. Here’s how we did it:

  1. We downloaded thousands of works from the Smithsonian Open Access collection and labeled those that we “like” and “do not like”.

  2. We then designed and trained a custom A.I. model on our art preferences using Google’s Cloud AutoML.

  3. The model now uses its training to calculate the probability that we “like” the NFTs we show it.

  4. The NFTs with the highest scores are showcased in our newsletter, virtual gallery, Twitter, and Instagram every weekday.

Subscribe, visit, and follow to see its selections.

In current form, the A.I. is intentionally biased towards its creators’ taste. Soon, we will transition the model’s preferences to our audience’s taste.

Press the ❤️ below your favorite artworks in our virtual gallery to train the A.I. with your preferences.

Artist Submissions Welcome

Message us on Twitter or Instagram to have your NFTs included for our A.I.’s consideration.

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An A.I. curated gallery.


An A.I. curated gallery. Artist submissions welcome.